About us
We are the network for Europe’s natural site managers. We bring together non-governmental and governmental organisations, and individuals and organisations committed to our vision. Founded in 1989, the network has grown to include members across Europe - from the Atlantic islands to the Black Sea; and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean.
Eurosite’s Vision:
A Europe where nature is cared for, protected, restored, and valued by all.
Eurosite's Mission:
To provide opportunities for practitioners to network and exchange experience on practical nature management.
Our work
Nature knows no boundaries: therefore, in order to manage Europe’s natural resources sustainably and effectively, we believe that the future protection and conservation of nature will be achieved through international co-operation. This works best through personal contact and through personal contact comes mutual understanding, shared experiences, knowledge and innovation. This delivers better support and management of protected areas, which ensure the future protection and conservation of nature in Europe.
In order to facilitate joint working, our work is split into four key objectives:
- Networking for Europe's nature - we organise a range of networking events, from three-day workshops with hundreds of participants, to exchange visits between members. We also organise an Annual Meeting, which gives our members the opportunity to network in a relaxed environment and share their work with each other.
- A Gold Standard for information - knowledge and information exchange continues outside of meetings and online, where we share activities, achievement and good practice from our members and from the European nature conservation arena in general through our website, newsletter and social media.
- Advocacy for site-based nature - we attend EU level meetings and events in order to ensure the needs and views of site managers are represented in Brussels.
- Building a strong future - ensuring that Eurosite remains a resilient organisation with the human and financial resources necessary to meet the expectations of our members is also central to our work and we are accountable to our members through our Council and Annual Meetings.
“Through sharing experiences and knowledge, enhancing and promoting the management of natural sites throughout Europe, we can make a difference." - Stefan Versweyveld, Eurosite President, Natuurpunt, Belgium
If you share our vision and are passionate about our mission, consider joining our network.