2019 Reporting under the Nature Directives – first results available
Article 17 requires Member States to report every six years about the progress made with the implementation of the Habitats Directive. As the main focus of the directive is on maintaining and/or restoring a favourable conservation status for habitat types & species of community interest, monitoring & reporting under the directive is focusing on that. So far Member States have reported twice on the conservation status of the species and habitats of Community importance, in 2007 and 2013.
Similarly, Article 12 of the Birds Directive deals with the general reporting obligations of the Member States and Commission. It requires Member States to report about the progress made with the implementation of the Birds Directive. In 2011, the Commission in agreement with Member States has revised the reporting procedure and frequency in order to focus the reporting obligations on data that inform about the status and trend of bird populations, thereby streamlining the reporting under Art.12 of the Birds Directive with the reporting on conservation status under Art.17 of the Habitats Directive. The first round of reporting according to tis procedure has happened in 2014.
At the moment, the next round of reporting for both directives is ongoing, with the deadline for Article 17 reporting passed and the deadline for Article 12 being the end of July 2019. Preparations for the EU biogeographical assessments are underway, but you can already have a look at the regularly updated summary of the results on the National Summaries Dashboard.