Home » 3rd Mediterranean Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Seminar

3rd Mediterranean Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Seminar


From 4-7 May, the Third Mediterranean Natura 2000 seminar was hosted online by Sila National Park and the Region of Calabria. The Seminar was very well attended, gathering 124 registered participants from 10 countries in total.

The seminar primarily focused on knowledge sharing, and besides larger plenary sessions and presentations, it included 18 facilitated sub-group meetings, a knowledge market and additional facilitated group discussions to develop the road map for cooperation in the Mediterranean region. Four individual themes were discussed:

1.     Defining and coordinating a Natura 2000 restoration agenda for the Mediterranean region;
2.     Defining conservation objectives at site level and monitoring impact of measures;
3.     Addressing land abandonment in the Mediterranean region;
4.     Building capacity for Natura 2000 management. 

The organisers shared a brief summary report with all participants, which will soon be available on the Natura 2000 platform. Presentations from the event and a full report will follow shortly as well.