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Consultation on future of LIFE Programme


The European Commission (EC) invites a broad range of stakeholders to provide their input on the future implementation of the LIFE Programme. While the general objectives of the post-2020 LIFE Programme have been agreed, the input will be used for the preparation of the Multiannual Work Programme for LIFE’s next programming period (2021-2024).

The LIFE Programme is the only EU fund with a clear dedication to the environment and climate. In its next programming period (2021-2027), the Programme will aim to deliver the ambitions set out in the new European Green Deal (carbon neutrality by 2050, review of 2030 targets, European Climate Pact, leadership in circular economy and new technologies, a new 2030 biodiversity strategy and a move towards zero pollution). The new work programme will therefore focus on:

  • “The shift towards a circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy;
  • The protection and improvement of the quality of the environment;
  • Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and tackling the degradation of ecosystems.”

As part of the consultation process for this Work Programme, the EC invites all interested citizens and organisations to express their views on the Programme’s priorities, strategies and implementation. This input will then be used to during the preparation of the Multiannual Work Programme.

Completing this questionare should take no longer that 20-25 minutes. Questions consist of information about yourself, questions regarding the LIFE Programme’s priorities and strategies and questions regarding its implementation. Input can be provided here until 27 April.

Since the EC would like to reach as many interested individuals and organisations as possible, we invite you to share this message and the link to the consultation (https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/section/life/targeted-consultation-future-life-programme) with people in your network that might be interested. This is an important opportunity to provide your input for the future of the LIFE Programme.