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EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy roadmap open for feedback


The EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy roadmap is open for feedback. The document contains an outline of the EU’s ambitions to curb the loss of biodiversity, and is planned for adoption at the next UN Biodiversity Conference this year in Kunming, China.

A roadmap is used by the commission to define, among others, new laws and policies. It describes current problems and objectives, explains why the EU needs to take action, outlines policy options and describes the main aspects of the consultation strategy. Concrete implementation measures for the EU Biodiversity Strategy will be put forward in 2021.

Until the 20th of January the roadmap will be open for feedback. After that, feedback will be used to further fine-tune the initiative. Additionally, the Commission will provide a synopsis rapport to explain how input is implemented and why certain input might not be taken up. Feedback has already been provided by several organisations and can be found on the website of the Commission.

Feedback can be provided here.