Home » EU invests over €100 million in new LIFE Programme projects

EU invests over €100 million in new LIFE Programme projects


On 17 February the European Commission (EC) announced a new investment of €101.2 million for integrated LIFE Programme projects for Environment and Climate Action. The investment provides funding for 10 large-scale projects troughout Cyprus, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia, Czechia and Spain. These projects eventually should help the transitioning of Europe to a sustainable economy and climate neutrality as is aimed for by 2050 in the European Green Deal.

Integrated LIFE projects aim to “improve citizens’ quality of life by helping Member States comply with EU legislation in six areas: nature, water, air, waste, climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation”. The projects help to implement environmental and climate legislation on a large scale and a coordinated manner.

The investment by the EC is said to mobilise over another €6.5 billion of complementary funding for these projects through making use of other EU funding sources, national funds and private investments. Eventually, these projects will help to reach climate neutrality, the restoration and conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, the move towards a circular economy, the improvement of air quality and will boost sustainable financing.

You can read more about it here.