Green 10 expresses concern over Juncker Commission’s commitment to the environment

During the election of the new European Commission the Green 10, an alliance of 10 of the largest environmental NGOs in Europe, has been paying close attention to the process and has been putting pressure on the EC, via a series of open letters, to ensure that the new Commission does not downgrade the importance of the environment.
Following the European Parliament’s vote in favour of Juncker’s Commission, which took place on Tuesday 22 October, the Green 10 has released a statement expressing their continued concern over the Juncker Commission’s approach to environmental policy. Particular concerns include: the mandate of the Commissioner-designate for the Environment, Fisheries & Maritime Affairs, which does not explicitly state that the Commissioner-designate will implement the 7th Environment Action Programme and implies a weakening of the Birds and Habitats Directives; the mandate of the First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, which does not reflect his responsibility for sustainability; a lack of clarity about how responsibility for climate and energy will be divided; and ongoing doubts about the competence and objectivity of commissioners.
Angelo Caserta, Director of Birdlife Europe and Chair of the Green 10 stated: “In the last decade, unregulated growth has produced economic instability, inequality and unprecedented degradation of the environment. What Europe does not need is the continuation of the same old policies and ideologies.”
Mr Castera went on to add: “Mr Juncker and his team need to show they are able and willing to take Europe forward, towards sustainable development with job creation and environmental justice.”
The full press statement can be read on the Green 10 website.