IUCN Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) for Europe, North and Central Asia

Eurosite attended the 2019 IUCN Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) which took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1-3 July. This was a key opportunity for the IUCN Constituency to prepare for the next IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020 and to ensure that regional matters are embedded in the IUCN key decision-making.
The main message of the event was loud and clear: we need to work together to secure the transformational change our society is craving for while facing the biodiversity and climate crisis.
The conclusions from
the RCF in Rotterdam will be communicated further at the IUCN Congress in
Marseille, France, the world’s leading biodiversity event, and the CoP15 of the
Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, China, in 2020. This event could
help governments shape a new, ambitious, plan – the Post-2020 Biodiversity
Framework, known as the ‘New Deal for Nature’.
The full
report of the RCF is now available summarising the discussions and opinions
from the three days, as well as key recommendations. To get the feeling of the
atmosphere during the event check out the photo
The IUCN Congress in Marseille will
be held on 11 – 19 June 2020.