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Natural Spaces Conservatories (Fédération Conservatoires d’espaces naturels)

Through a concerted approach and their territorial assets, the Natural spaces Conservatories (Conservatoires d’espaces naturels) have been helping to preserve the French natural heritage and landscape. Acting for nature in the territories has been the objective for over 40 years.

Grouped into a national Federation, the Metropolitan and Overseas Conservatories sustainably manage a coherent and functional network of 3,400 natural sites, covering 180,000 ha and welcome 6 million visitors on 1,000 open sites.

The 25 Natural spaces Conservatories (Conservatoires d’espaces naturels) are non-profit organisations of public interest. From their origins, with the support of the State, Europe, local authorities and private partners, they have become recognised as managers for the relevance of their action, built on consultation, and their sources of reference for their scientific and technical expertise.

The Natural spaces Conservatories weave partnership and complementary relations between all biodiversity stakeholders in the coordination of territorial projects. Additionally, they support the implementation of contractual policies.

Since 2009, the Natural spaces Conservatories have been recognised in law, by specific approval. The national Federation and the Natural spaces Conservatories have also led many Life programmes for over 20 years.


Email : contact@reseau-cen.org

Website : www.reseau-cen.org/

Facebook: @federation.des.conservatoires.despaces.naturels

Twitter: @RESEAU_CEN