30 NGOs call for urgent action for insects
Led by fellow EHF member Buglife, in support of the European Parliament resolution of 18 December 2019 on the EU Pollinators Initiative, 30 NGOs have published a letter calling on the European Commission for urgent and improved action to halt the decline of insects.
In the letter, the 30 NGOs, among which Eurosite, stress the seriousness of the issue and the importance of wild pollinating insects, thereby also addressing the current state of affairs concerning the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, the protection, management and restoration of insect habitat are discussed as well as other beneficial measures such as the full implementation of the EU pollinators initiative in the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and a strong monitoring mechanism.
Eurosite recognises the urgency of the issue and believes that the EC can and should meet these challenges if sufficient action is taken. You can read the letter here.