Eurosite presents first results Natura 2000 Monitoring workshop at meeting EC Expert group on management of Natura 2000

Eurosite President Stefan Versweyveld presents the first results of our Natura 2000 Monitoring workshop at the 13th meeting of the EC Expert group on management of Natura 2000 today. Eurosite organised this workshop as part of the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, an initiative from the European Commission.
ECNC is the lead contractor to support the EC in the development and implementation of the Process. This includes a continuing series of networking events (Seminars, conferences, workshops, ad hoc expert meetings, study visits etc.) ECNC does this with support from our sub-contracted consortium partners (CEEweb for Biodiversity, Eurosite, the European Landowners Organisation, the EUROPARC Federation and ILE-SAS).
The summary workshop report can be found on our Monitoring workshop events page. The document will also soon be available on the Natura 2000 Communication Platform.