Eurosite Twinning guidelines updated
Eurosite was born from twinning. In 1987 the European Natural Sites Twinning Programme was launched. Under this programme, 33 European sites signed an agreement to take part in a programme of technical, scientific, and cultural exchanges. Twinning formed the basis of this agreement. Two years later, in 1989, Eurosite was created in response to the clear demand to exchange natural site management information in Europe.
Twinning provides a framework for two or more organisations to work together on shared objectives. The concept is similar to the twinning arrangements set up between European towns and cities to share cultural and social experiences. The objective of Eurosite’s Twinning programme is to strengthen links between natural sites with similar habitats and similar problems to solve and to encourage the sharing of information about site management for nature conservation.
Eurosite has now published an updated version of the ‘Eurosite guidelines: Twinning natural sites’. The guidelines provide advice on finding twinning partners, starting a twinning, publicising your twinning, and producing a Twinning Agreement, as well as key ingredients for a successful twinning. The guidelines are intended for nature conservation organisations and site managers interested in setting up a twinning, who are in need of practical guidance, or who simply want to know more about the concept of twinning. For more information about Eurosite’s twinning programme please visit the Twinning section of our website.
Eurosite guidelines: Twinning natural sites