Interreg Care-Peat expands with capitalisation project
As part of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) programme, the Care-Peat project was given the opportunity to strengthen its scope with a so called ‘capitalisation project’. The aim here is to apply the project results to a new area, a new sector or a new target group. With Interreg Care-Peat we seized this opportunity with both hands. And good news: the proposal was approved!
The aim of the capitalisation project is thus to:
- develop a uniform methodology for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands that is widely applicable;
- involve farmers and farmers’ organisations as a new target group (with a focus on Ireland and the UK);
- restore the carbon storage capacity of peatlands in two new regions: Landemarais in Brittany (FR) and Cors y Sarnau Nature Reserve in Wales (UK).
The project will result in no less than three new partners (North Wales Wildlife Trust, University of Rennes and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences) and six new associate partners (University of Greifswald, Birr Castle Demesne, Wetlands International, National Farmers Union of England and Wales, Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association and Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Area) who will be joining our consortium.
Eurosite warmly welcomes all the new partners and we are very much looking forward to putting peat restoration at the heart of a climate-resilient society. Please find more information on the NWE Interreg project Care-Peat here.