LandLife ends as a LIFE+ project in 2014 and begins 2015 as a European platform to boost land stewardship in Europe

LandLife ended as a LIFE+ project in December 2014, after three years of boosting land stewardship in Europe. On the basis of the Barcelona Declaration on Land Stewardship a European Land Stewardship Network will be created to continue the work started by LandLife.
Since 2011 LandLife has been boosting land stewardship in Europe and promoting it as a useful tool for nature conservation and boosting biodiversity. To achieve the project’s objectives several training and communication activities were developed. In 2013 regional workshops were organised in Montpellier (France), Giussago (Italy) and Tavertet (Catalonia) and more than 190 people participated.
LandLife also organised two editions of the European Land Stewardship Week. The first edition was organised in 2012 and more than 420 activities were developed by 231 organisations across Europe; the second edition took place in 2014 and a total of 430 activities were organised by 420 organisations.
One of the last project activities was the First European Land Stewardship Congress “Land: Quality of Life”, which took place in Barcelona, Spain from 5-8 November 2014. More than 250 people from around the world attended the Congress. The programme included a total of 13 workshops, 26 short communications, more than 20 poster presentations, and two field trips that gave participants the chance to see land stewardship agreements in action.
During the LandLife Congress the Barcelona Declaration was officially presented and signed. The Declaration is the starting point for the development of a European Land Stewardship Network. In this way, LandLife will continue working as a platform to boost land stewardship in Europe. Public and private organisations and individual can sign the Barcelona Declaration.
During the project several publications were written, including the European Manual on Land Stewardship “Caring together for nature”; a comparative study of land stewardship in Europe; and the Toolkit, which helps organisations develop and implement land stewardship projects. Special material for children were also published such as the tale “What’s going on at the pond”. All the publications are available on the LandLife website.
At training level two editions of the Online Course “Introductory Course to Land Stewardship: from theory to practice” were organised in 2014 in coordination with the University of Vic. The online Helpdesk was also launched, which aims to be a forum for questions related to land stewardship, with advisers on hand to answer questions.
You can also watch a summary of the project’s activities in a short video.
LandLife is a Life+ Information and Communication project (LIFE+10 INF/ES/540)
Partners: Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori in partnership with Conservatoire d’espaces naturels du Languedoc-Roussillon,Legambiente Lombardia, Eurosite and Prysma
Subcontractor: Ad-Hoc Desarrollo Sostenible
Project duration: September 2011 – December 2014
The LandLife project was possible thanks to the support of the LIFE+ Programme of the European Commission, the Government of Catalonia and Fundación Biodiversidad – Ministerio de Ministerio de Alimentación, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. The project also had the collaboration of Obra Social La Caixa. During the project more than 40 collaborators from around Europe supported the project objectives.