Management Planning survey
As the Fitness Check in 2016 has shown, 50% of natural sites do not have a proper management plan in place. Because management plans have the capacity to drastically improve the successful implementation of Natura 2000 and to contribute to better conservation, protection and restoration of natural sites overall, Eurosite decided to develop its current management planning guidance tools into a dynamic online portal that has the ability to support practitioners in tackling site management issues and developing and implementing their management plans. We have set up the Eurosite Management Planning Expert Group to help the Eurosite Secretariat achieve this task, but we need your help as well!
We hereby invite you to take part in a short survey that will help us identify gaps in current long- and short-term management planning. We are eager to learn what you think can be improved and what areas you think need more guidance. We look forward to receiving your response before 25 June 2018 and we would greatly appreciate it if you woud forward the survey to your colleagues. Thank you in advance!