Natura 2000 Monitoring Workshop 2013 report
The report for Eurosite’s 2013 workshop ‘Natura 2000 Monitoring: Nature, Pictures and People’, which was held in Swansea, Wales, UK on 12-14 March 2013, is now available to read online.
The workshop aimed to help organisations and individuals involved in nature conservation across Europe gain a better understanding of effective practices in field monitoring, including remote sensing, open-sourced software, ‘citizen science’ and volunteer engagement. During the first two days of the workshop there were presentations on a number of topics, including non-invasive monitoring of large carnivores, the applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems for monitoring, and the role of volunteers and the public. There was also an introductory workshop on remote sensing and, on the final day, participants had the chance to take part in field trips on the Gower Peninsula. You can see photos from the workshop and field trips on our Facebook Page.
The workshop report gives an overview of the presentations delivered and is a useful introduction for those interested in the workshop’s themes. You can download the workshop report, or why not flick through it on our Issuu account.