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Network input towards EU consultation on restoration targets under the Biodiversity Strategy


In the past weeks, various Eurosite members have contributed to the public consultation on restoration targets under the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030. It will propose legally binding nature restoration targets, subject to an impact assessment. The initiative will contribute to the goal of the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy: to put Europe’s biodiversity on the path to recovery. In case you have not yet contributed yourself, there are still a few days left to do so until 5 April. The more responses, the better for strict binding targets! Let the below contributions from the network inspire you:

Fédération Conservatoires d’espaces naturels (France):
Almost 40% of the French Natura 2000 areas are managed by members of the French Federation of Regional Natural Parks, the Federation of Natural Spaces Conservatories and Natural Reserves of France. Since 2019, these leaders of associative networks are working on a national networking mission on the Natura 2000 policy. 
The goal of this partnership is to ensure an effective coordination at the national level, between the different groups of stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Natura 2000 policy. Please view CEN’s full contribution to the consultation here.

Natuurmonumenten (Netherlands):
European nature is under pressure from intensive agriculture, overfishing, and logging. Consequently, the survival of thousands of plant- and animal species is hanging on a thread. For example, in the Netherlands the ruff has almost completely disappeared and species such as the hare and the wall brown butterfly are struggling for survival. Biodiversity in areas such as peat and grasslands face desiccation, manure pollution, and fragmentation of natural areas. The ‘Vogelbescherming’ (Dutch Birdlife partner) and the ‘Wereldnatuurfonds’ (Dutch WWF), and Natuurmonumenten together with their European umbrella organisations prepared a campaign (#RestoreNature) through which you can easily contribute to the consultation, as answers are already set. Please find more information here.