New Friend of Eurosite: CEEweb for Biodiversity

Given the clear complementary aims of Eurosite and CEEweb for Biodiversity, particularly regarding the exchange of knowledge and experience, geographic coverage, and a number of common themes addressed by the two networks, both organisations decided to formalise their working relationship. We are very happy to announce that CEEweb officially became a ‘Friend of Eurosite’ meaning we now agreed on a set of concrete activities and objectives.
CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of non-governmental organisations in the Central and Eastern European region working for 20 years in 20 countries. The mission of CEEweb is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development. CEEweb works through advocacy, influencing decision making, common projects, capacity building, networking and awareness raising. It targets its members, local, national and international decision makers, NGOs and NGO networks, companies and the scientific community.
Friends of Eurosite are nature conservation related organisations or networks with which we have a long-term working relationship. Friendships are formalised through a Friends of Eurosite agreement, which sets out the goals for the friendship and is reviewed on an annual basis.
We are looking forward to continuing and intensifying our fruitful cooperation!
Photo: Bufo bufo, Saxifraga-Rudmer Zwerver