New name for the French Biodiversity Agency

On the first of January 2020, the French Biodiversity Agency (previously l’Agence française pour la biodiversité, AFB) and the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (l’Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage, ONCFS) formed the new Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB). The new public institution, under the tutelage of the French Environment and Agriculture Ministers, was created to protect and restore biodiversity both in France and overseas.
OFB will incorporate the activities, the scope of intervention and the 2800 agents of AFB and ONCFS. It contributes to the monitoring, conservation, management and restoration of biodiversity in terrestrial, aquatic and marine habitats, together with balanced and sustainable water management, in coordination with the national policy to combat global warming (Law 2019-773, July 24th, 2019).
The English name will remain the French Biodiversity Agency. For more information visit