Register your interest in joining a network for food security

A key objective of the Farmer’s Pride project is to establish a permanent network for Europe-wide in situ conservation of plant genetic resources (including crop landraces/farmers’ varieties and crop wild relatives) and to promote and facilitate the use of more plant diversity for the benefit of society.
The project has laid the foundations for the network and is now gathering expressions of interest in joining it. If you are a farmer, public or private protected area manager, market or home gardener, seed producer, or other land manager of unprotected wild or semi-wild habitats and would like to nominate a site/locality for inclusion in the European network, please complete a short survey.
If you would like to learn more about crop landraces/farmers’ varieties and crop wild relatives in Europe (for example, to know which species and populations occur within the Natura 2000 network of sites), please visit the Farmer’s Pride website.