Home » Twinning in practice: Society for the Coast Poland (EUCC Poland) and Natuurmonumenten

Twinning in practice: Society for the Coast Poland (EUCC Poland) and Natuurmonumenten


In September 2017 the second twinning agreement between Natuurmonumenten and the Society for the Coast Poland was signed at the Eurosite meeting in Helsinki.

The next four years they will work together to exchange experience and knowledge on different issues. The main activities in the coming year will focus on the inventory of the bird species supported by Natuurmonumenten experts and the exchange of experience and knowledge with special attention to Natura 2000 management planning. In May and June a group of Natuurmonumenten colleagues will visit the Odra Delta to work together on meeting these goals. Also special attention is given to the issue of climate change adaptation and our common objective to explore the possibilities for a jointly applying for a European project. The climate buffer tour in April and the workshop about ecosystem services in May can be used as a means to achieve these common goals. Both Natuurmonumenten and the Society for the Coast are looking forward to an inspiring year!


Photo credit: Nick Kurzenko