With compliments of the European Commission

In the working years 2016 – 2017 Eurosite received the LIFE EU NGO grant to support the activities of the network. After having evaluated our final report of the working year 2017, the Eurosite Secretariat has recently received a letter from Mr. Angelo Salsi, Head of the LIFE Nature Unit of DG-Environment. In his letter Mr. Salsi expressed his gratitude for the implementation of the 2017 work programme:
“Eurosite effectively acts as a two-way communication channel between site managers and the European Commission. It is well positioned to represent Europe’s natural site managers within the European institutions, ensuring that they are aware of the needs and difficulties site managers encounter in their day-to-day management of the Natura 2000 areas. In 2017, Eurosite has delivered satisfactorily on all planned activities and objectives. In particular, its relaunch of the twinning activities and of the working groups are very noteworthy as they strengthen the community of Natura 2000 site managers through networking and exchange of good practice. Furthermore, Eurosite’s website is a valuable tool for promoting broader socio-economic benefits of Natura 2000 and the ecosystem services approach, as listed in the EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy.”
We are very grateful for the support of LIFE and EASME and would like to express how much we appreciate their trust.