Get your daily dose of Nature

While most of us are stuck inside, nature keeps doing its thing. In Europe spring has started, and with that comes the almost uncontrollable urge to submerge ourselves in all the new life surrounding us. Unfortunately, during these times of crisis, most of us cannot give in to this feeling and will have to find other ways to get our daily dose of nature.
Fortunately, many organisations have found creative ways to virtually connect people and nature. Here we give an overview of some of the many great initiatives:
#StayTuned with Terry Cypria
Eurosite member Terry Cypria is organising a series of online live presentations called Stay Tuned with Terra Cypria, via Zoom. They have decided to organise these webinars because of the spare time many people found themselves to have during the lockdown. It is an opportunity to get closer to nature and learn more about nature conservation from behind your laptop.
Virtually visit Aenos National Park in Greece
Eurosite member Aenos National Park provides people with the opportunity to roam around the area, not in real life of course, but virtually! You can visit both the museum as well as the national park itself and it is absolutely stunning. Are you looking for your daily dose of Greek nature, definitely pay a visit!
Above picture by Jimzoun / CC BY-SA (
Virtually hike through Dutch nature
Are you stuck at home but really want to enjoy a hike in nature? Dutch Eurosite member Natuurmonumenten has found a solution so that you do not even have to leave your couch. You can pay a visit to 19 beautiful natural sites and take part in virtual trekkings (made with a “tracker” camera), as well as watch 25 brooding spoonbills through the Spoonbillcam.
Observe invertebrates in France
For the French among us, Eurosite member Fédération des Conservatoires d’espaces Naturels – Savoie invites people to participate in contributing observations of invertebrates. They provide a beautiful illustrated catalogue of 80 species of bugs and spiders to get you started!
Above picture by Didier Descouens / CC BY-SA (
Free BTO Garden Birdwatch membership
This is mainly interesting for the British people among us. BTO Garden Birdwatch now offers a free opportunity to learn more about garden birds and other wildlife, while at the same time contributing to BTO’s scientific research. The free membership includes access to the online recording system and the regular e-newsletter with information on recording and identifying garden wildlife. This newsletter could, of course also be interesting to non-British people. The free membership lasts for a year after which it will expire.
Enter the Zooniverse
Zooniverse has already been around for a while, but has seen an increase in people turning to the platform for a distraction from daily life. The Zooniverse is basically an enormous citizen science platform through which everyone can contribute to scientific research. All kinds of projects are available, with many nature-related projects among them. Now, they have also made it easier to find new projects to dive into. The top of the project page frequently changes and highlights topical, timely and favourite projects.
Join the Breakfast Birdwatch
Since 24 March, RSPB has been hosting a daily Breakfast Birdwatch. Taking place between 8-9 am on weekdays, the Breakfast Birdwatch provides a great moment to learn about all the birds from all-over the world. By using the #BreakfastBirdwatch on social media, you enter an enthusiastic community of people sharing all kinds of information about the wildlife they see around their homes. Breakfast Birdwatch makes it even more interesting by introducing different themes and species and by helping people identify the wildlife they have seen and heard.
All kinds of amazing iniatives can be found under the #VitaminN. Nine organisations (WWF, RSPB, Nature Friendly Farming Network, National Trust, The Climate Coalition, the Wildlife Trusts, Jordans, Mental Health Collective, RHS and the Wilderness Foundation UK) have teamed up to provide you with your daily dose of Vitamin Nature. Simply look for #VitaminN on one of your social media platforms and you will find challenges, videos, pictures, and much more!
Learn birding in the Netherlands
For the Dutchies among us, the Dutch Birdlife branch (Vogelbescherming) is hosting a free birding for beginners course. In ten sessions you will learn to recognise all kinds of birds by their sound and looks.
Would you like your initiative to be featured on our website as well, please do not hesitate to send us a message!