6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas

Salzburg, Austria, 2-4 November 2017
At this symposium researchers, protected areas managers, as well as individuals from government, business, non-governmental organisations and the general public, who are interested in protected areas, may present and discuss topics which are highly significant for protected areas and are currently taken up by research. The manifold aspects of the interrelation between protection aims, protected area management and the impacts on nature, society and the regional economy in times of transition form the general thematic base of this international conference, held every four years since 1996.
In order to identify current issues of relevance for both research and protected areas, the organizers of the symposium now invite all interested individuals, institutions, protected areas, networks and initiatives to propose session topics for themed sessions. A themed session can be organised as a series of presentations, as a workshop or as a chaired discussion. Please enter your suggestions for themed sessions no later than 31 October 2016 using the online-form.