Adaptive Management Planning – software tools and practices
Eurosite is organising a workshop on adaptive management software tools and practices in cooperation with GBNL (‘Gezamenlijk Basissysteem Natuur en Landschapsbeheer’ – a cooperation between Eurosite members Staatsbosbeheer, Vereniging Natuurmonumenten and De12Landschappen, who are also members of CMSC) and Eurosite member Conservation Management System Consortium (CMSC).
The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate and discuss ways to practice adaptive site management by comparing and sharing experiences with tools, techniques and approaches currently being applied and developed on sites across Europe. This workshop will provide a unique opportunity for those with experience of adaptive management methods and tools, as well as those keen to learn about the principles involved, to come together to share, exchange information and gain knowledge.
This workshop was made possible with funding from the European Union. The sole responsibility lies with the organisers – the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.