Climate Adaptation Summit 2021

Originally hosted by The Netherlands, the online international Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021 on 25 and 26 January convenes global leaders and local stakeholders. It will see the launch of a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda that sets out clear commitments to deliver concrete new endeavours and partnerships to make our world more resilient to the effects of climate change.
The CAS 2021 will consist of several complementary components over a 24‑hour cycle starting Monday 25 January, to reach a global audience in spite of any ongoing COVID‑19‑related travel and meeting limitations.
Particularly interesting for Eurosite members might be the following components:
- 16:30-19:00 CET (channel 4): Nature-based solutions (organized by Canada en Mexico)
- 18:00-20:00 CET (channel 2): Water (organized by The Netherlands).
Additionally, there are many side events. We would like to highlight that the Dutch Coalition Natural Climate Buffers participated in a new short film about natural climate buffer De Onlanden, of which the Eurosite Wetlands and Climate Change Working Group recently produced a factsheet in a series of factsheets featuring natural climate buffers.
Please find further information, registration, and the programme on the CAS 2021 website.