Grazing study tour
We are happy to announce the first Grazing study tour organised by Eurosite in cooperation with our members Natuurmonumenten, Staatsbosbeheer (Dutch Forestry State Service) and the Polish Society for the Coast (EUCC Poland). The tour will take place in the Netherlands from 3-5 October 2022 and is intended for site managers and others interested in the role of grazing in natural site management. The focus is on grazing developments in different nature reserves in the Netherlands.
The tour includes visits to different nature reserves in the Netherlands, each with unique management objectives. Participants have the opportunity to learn more about the ecological, economical and societal aspects of grazing. The aim of the tour is to connect science with practical experiences and to share the latest knowledge. Best practices for collaboration with stakeholders and dilemmas experienced by natural site managers will be discussed, so participants will be able to share experiences with participants and experts from various parts of Europe. The tour will end with a half day workshop on the concept of ecosystem services with regards to grazing.
This event is part of a series of events related to grazing in 2022 and 2023. This first event in the Netherlands will be followed by a live-tour in Poland next year, hosted by Society for the Coast in cooperation with the “Ujście Warty” (The Warta Mouth) National Park and the Wolin National Park. In addition, Eurosite will organise a series of online webinars on the topic of grazing.
Grazing has been a dominant feature in shaping Dutch landscapes. Many protected areas in our country have been influenced by the grazing patterns of large herbivores. Therefore, grazing is essential for the management of many important habitats in the Netherlands. It is an effective and natural way to maintain a diverse landscape with a wide variety of plants and animals. Aside from the benefits to biodiversity, the practice of grazing animals in nature reserves is a way to maintain more traditional methods of managing nature. Although it is not without difficulties, large herbivores can also be ‘wildly’ attractive for the wider public.