ILCN/ELCN webinar: The Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network — the History and Future Outlook for Integrating Conservation on Private Lands

Natura 2000, a network of protected areas covering 18% of land and 10% of marine waters for the most valuable and threatened species and habitats across all 28 countries of the European Union, is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world. Join us for a webinar exploring the creation of the network; its evolving approach to integrating conservation on private lands; and its results for nature and biodiversity conservation in Europe on 24 November from 16:15 – 17:45 Central European Time. Speakers will share reflections on the history, context, and future outlook for Natura 2000 and private land conservation, providing an opportunity for conservation practitioners, land managers, and protected area coordinators to get in-depth perspectives into the achievements, lessons learned, and broader implications from this unique effort.
The European Private Land Conservation Network is a LIFE Preparatory project and an initiative of the European Commission.
The project is being coordinated by NABU (Germany), and besides Eurosite, other project partners are: Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (XCT) (Spain), Natuurpunt (Belgium), Montis (Portugal), Fundacion Biodiversidad (Spain), Fundatia ADEPT (Romania), ELY Centre Lapland (Finland), IMA Europe (EU) and WWF Oasi (Italy).
The final goal of the project is the establishment of a European Land Conservation Network (ELCN). At its 30th Anniversary on 5th November 2019 in Monticiano, Italy, Eurosite’s general assembly voted unanimously to change the organisation’s name to “Eurosite – the European Land Conservation Network” and to amend its mission accordingly, thereby laying the groundwork for a formal merger of the ELCN with Eurosite. At the Eurosite General Annual Meeting 2020, the new statutes were officially adopted, bringing the completion of the merger closer and closer.