Joint Annual Meeting: CEEweb Academy in collaboration with Eurosite and EKLIPSE

Budapest, Hungary – 25-27 September 2018
We are happy to announce our upcoming Joint Annual Meeting 2018. The event ‘Europe’s biodiversity beyond 2020 – Tackling the challenges to achieve targets’ will take place in Budapest, Hungary, from 25 to 27 September 2018 (participants are advised to travel on 24 September).
Private land conservation, Natura 2000 and adaptive management plans, wetlands and climate change, the value of Ecosystem services, nature-based solutions in adapting to climate change – all these topics will be passed under review during the event. A crash course in risk based and robust decision making will explain how using these forms of decision making can help identify the levels of exposure and vulnerability within a system, the potential impact or losses from change or a hazardous event, and how to develop adaptation actions. The potential of mapping software for public collaboration in the tracking of changes will also be addressed. Participants will also visit one of Hungary’s most beautiful natural sites, after which we will discuss different funding sources such as LIFE, ERDF, NCFF, PES, national funding sources, CAP Pillar 2, and water funds.
The event is open to members and non-members. The business meetings (Board, Council, AGM) are for members only.
Please find the terms and conditions for participation here.
Europe’s biodiversity targets for 2010 were not achieved. It seems that the 2020 targets will not be fully met either. Biodiversity across Europe is still declining, and climate change is an increasing problem. Natura 2000, while comprising over 27,000 sites and over 18% of European territory, requires a collective effort for efficient management. Cross-sectoral and cross-border collaboration will be more important than ever before.
Crucial ingredients for a more efficient implementation of EU nature policy that the programme focuses on:
- EU level networking to exchange knowledge and examples of good practice;
- Preserving crop-wild-relatives as an important resource for the future of EU and global agriculture;
- Increasing active involvement of the wider population into Natura 2000 management and (private) land conservation;
- Nature-based solutions that wetlands can offer to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change