Natura 2000 Monitoring Workshop: Nature, Pictures and People
This joint Eurosite-CCW workshop will be held in English at The Dragon Hotel in Swansea over three days in March 2013. The workshop will comprise a series of indoor presentations, question and answer opportunities, with optional site visits on the third day. This event is inclusive and offers important networking opportunities.
The indoor sessions will focus on the following themes:
Session 1 – Monitoring case studies for Natura 2000 habitats and species;
Session 2 – The role of remote sensing in monitoring. This session will centre on a practical workshop demonstrating: a) how to access appropriate open-sourced software, b) where to find existing images of your sites / region, and c) how to integrate these to best effect. This practical session will be reinforced by a small number of case studies;
Session 3 – The role of ‘citizen science’ in habitat and species monitoring – principles and case studies.
More information:
For more information about a new approach to Natura 2000 site monitoring using earth observation data, please download the document “Lucas_et_al_BIOSOS”
For additional information on how to use the ImageJ Macro Enhance, please download the documents “Using the ImageJ Macro Enhance” and “Enhance_image.txt”