Webinar Series: Nature-based Solutions – Digital Dialogues

7 – 9 July 2020
The Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Initiative (based at the University of Oxford) is hosting a series of Digital Dialogues on NbS that will serve as a primer to the NbS Solutions Conference, now set for July 2021.
The Digital Dialogues series will provide six 90-minute sessions spread out over three day. During these session, the four key guidelines for successful, sustainable NbS (see www.nbsguidelines.info) will be discussed, as well as the main challenges around the implementation, financing and governance of NbS. Furthermore, the fifth session will also look at how NbS are relevant for international green-economic-recovery from COVID-19.
Each session will consist of 3-5 short presentations by leading experts in the field of climate change, biodiversity and development, a panel discussion and a Q&A sessions with the audience. Outcomes from these sessions will be presented at UN meetings in late 2020 and early 2021 in the form of policy briefs, as well as made available through an outreach campaign.