Restoring England’s largest lowland raised mire complex

Eurosite member Natural England is keen to make you aware of their upcoming conference on restoring England’s largest lowland raised mire complex.
The conference aim is to explore the work that has been undertaken through the That’s LIFE (NAT/UK/000451) project on Thorne Moors SAC/SPA and Hatfield Moors SPA/SAC. Together these two sites form the largest and second largest English lowland raised mires capable of restoration, covering some 2600ha and situated in the borders of South Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.
The conference will examine the work undertaken during the project to restore the mires and will include practical management works, including the conservation of the Nightjar – for which both sites are notified as Special Protection Areas due to the Nightjar’s breeding numbers. The conference will also look at possible next steps in restoration post project completion.
For further details and registration please visit the conference website.
Photo credit: Natural England/Peter Roworth