Second Mediterranean Natura 2000 Seminar
Save the Date (14-16 November 2017) for the Second Mediterranean Natura 2000 Seminar in Cyprus, hosted by Eurosite member Terra Cypria – the Cyprus Conservation Foundation, with support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development & Environment, Cyprus.
This Seminar is organised as part of the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process. Launched by the European Commission in 2011, the aim is to improve and strengthen the implementation of Natura 2000. The primary purpose of the Natura 2000 Seminars is to help sharpen focus on the strategic targets to be achieved and contribute to meeting the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy objectives.
The Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process provides the means for Member States and expert stakeholder networks to:
- Work together and collaborate on practical habitat management issues identified as being of common priority and shared importance;
- Take stock of the current conservation status of specific priority habitats in a biogeographical region and determine what needs to be done collectively to improve, maintain or restore the condition of habitats and species of Community interest;
- Share experience, build knowledge and develop consensus about priority management actions required for particular habitat types or species, as well as to address specific themes;
- Take specific agreed cooperative actions to restore or maintain favourable conservation status for those habitats that fall within their territory;
- Network and exchange management experience information and to continue building know-how about the most effective ways to achieve favourable conservation status of habitats and species of Community importance.
More information on programme and registration will follow soon.
As part of the follow-up to the Fitness Check evaluation the Commission has proposed to refocus the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, for the latter to better contribute to the establishment of coherent, effective and efficient conservation systems throughout the EU. The Process should in particular deliver improved coherence in conservation status evaluation and setting conservation objectives and priorities. It should promote the identification of best practices in conservation management, in seizing funding opportunities, in dealing with communication and stakeholder involvement and in improving governance of Natura 2000 the network in order to optimize conservation results at biogeographical level.
In order to help re-focussing the work at the second Mediterranean Natura 2000 Seminar this seminar will be organised around four large thematic clusters in the context of which also more specific issues related to the so-called ‘top 20’ habitat types habitat types can be addressed as appropriate. The precise themes have yet to be confirmed, but indicatively these are:
- Assessment & sustainable development of ecosystems;
- Conservation objectives & monitoring and evaluation;
- Effective governance model for integrated approaches to implementation of Natura 2000;
- Addressing threats and pressure on Mediterranean habitats & species.