Workshop: Biodiversity in (environmental) management systems

12 December 2016, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
EMAS and biodiversity: how to address biodiversity protection through environmental management systems.
Global Nature Fund and the Lake Constance Foundation elaborated guidelines on the sound management of biodiversity aspects within EMAS and other management systems with the support of the German ministry for the environment and the European Commission (DG Environment and Joint ResearchCentre).
The guidelines are designed to be process-oriented and provide information on aims, measures and key data that are relevant to (almost) all business sectors. It deals with direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity and focusses on avoiding and reducing negative effects as well as the ways of reinforcing positive impacts towards the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The guidelines are based on the publication “ISO management systems and the protection of biological diversity” published by KNU (Coordinationnetwork for German environmental NGOs on standardisation) and Lake Constance Foundation in 2015.
Read the topics for discussion and the programme here: