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People 4 Soil initiative

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In 2015 Legambiente (an Italian member of the European Environmental Bureau federation) has launched “People 4 Soil”, a campaign aimed at promoting a European Citizens Initiative on soil protection, in order to introduce a specific legislation that is still missing in EU.

The network has already collected the subscription of 200 organisations, but in order to reach the hard target of one million signatures, there is still the need to enlarge the international network and find more country coordinators.

The People 4 Soil initiative are looking for partners who could engage in spreading the petition through newsletters, direct contacts and social networks. The initiative is supported by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).

If you are interested, please read the position paper on the People 4 Soil website, and if your organisation is interested in joining the People 4 Soil initiative and the battle for protecting soil in Europe, please contact info@people4soil.eu.