Posts Tagged ‘eurosite’
Eurosite featured in new LIFE grants brochure
Eurosite and its work has been featured in the latests brochure on NGO grantees of the LIFE operating grant. The brochure discusses recent achievements of NGO networks in the protection and promotion of biodiversity in the EU. The Eurosite Network is honoured to be featured, and greatly appreciates the recognition for the work that we…
Read MoreLIFE funding for private land conservation
On 13 May 2020, the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) and the European Land Conservation Network (ELCN) organised a webinar on using EU LIFE funding for private land conservation. The webinar attracted 191 attendees and provided a useful resource for private landowners and conservationists working together with private landowners in their preparations for a LIFE project proposal. The webinar started…
Read MoreEurosite participates in targeted consultation on future of LIFE Programme
The LIFE Programme is the only EU fund dedicated to the environment and climate. During the next programming period (2021-2027) LIFE will help Europe deliver nature and climate ambitions, by contributing to: The shift towards a circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy; The protection and improvement of the quality of the environment; Halting…
Read MoreEHF letter calling for quick adoption of EU F2F and biodiversity strategies
Under the umbrella of the European Habitats Forum, an informal coalition of NGOs calls on the European Commission to adopt the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy and the Farm 2 Fork Strategy in May, without further delay. “It is crucial that the EU maintains its high ambition to tackle the twin crises of biodiversity and climate…
Read MoreGet your daily dose of Nature
While most of us are stuck inside, nature keeps doing its thing. In Europe spring has started, and with that comes the almost uncontrollable urge to submerge ourselves in all the new life surrounding us. Unfortunately, during these times of crisis, most of us cannot give in to this feeling and will have to find…
Read MoreLIFE 2020 call for proposals
The European Commission has launched the 2020 call for project proposals under the LIFE programme. Projects can be submitted under the Environment or the Climate Change sub programmes. Who? Over €450 million has been made available for projects throughout Europe that focus on the environment, nature and climate action. Proposals can be submitted by any…
Read MoreContribute to EU 2030 climate ambition increase
The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather views on the EU’s 2030 climate ambition increase and the actions and policy designs needed for this. Increasing EU climate ambition is an important step towards climate-neutrality by 2050, as proposed through the European Green Deal. Another major element of the European Green Deal in…
Read MoreCounting Europe’s butterflies
Over the past years, the decline in insects has been one of the main topics in biodiversity conservation in Europe. Being the most diverse group of species on earth, insects carry out vital roles in the maintenance of ecosystems. Monitoring such a diverse group, however, is difficult, especially when lacking the specific knowledge on how…
Read MoreEurosite secretariat working from home
Currently the world is working hard to reduce the spread of COVID-19. In many European countries, strict measures have been taken to prevent health crises, as is the case in the Netherlands, where our secretariat is based. First and foremost, we want to wish you all good health and we hope that the effects on…
Read MoreUN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration strategy open for feedback
Over a year ago, on 1 March 2019, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2021-2030 as the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The decade was declared to highlight the need for global ecosystem restoration in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss and to safeguard food security and water supply. They key idea…
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