Posts Tagged ‘LIFE programme’
LIFE funding for private land conservation
On 13 May 2020, the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) and the European Land Conservation Network (ELCN) organised a webinar on using EU LIFE funding for private land conservation. The webinar attracted 191 attendees and provided a useful resource for private landowners and conservationists working together with private landowners in their preparations for a LIFE project proposal. The webinar started…
Read MoreLIFE 2020 call for proposals
The European Commission has launched the 2020 call for project proposals under the LIFE programme. Projects can be submitted under the Environment or the Climate Change sub programmes. Who? Over €450 million has been made available for projects throughout Europe that focus on the environment, nature and climate action. Proposals can be submitted by any…
Read MoreConsultation on future of LIFE Programme
The European Commission (EC) invites a broad range of stakeholders to provide their input on the future implementation of the LIFE Programme. While the general objectives of the post-2020 LIFE Programme have been agreed, the input will be used for the preparation of the Multiannual Work Programme for LIFE’s next programming period (2021-2024). The LIFE…
Read MoreEU invests over €100 million in new LIFE Programme projects
On 17 February the European Commission (EC) announced a new investment of €101.2 million for integrated LIFE Programme projects for Environment and Climate Action. The investment provides funding for 10 large-scale projects troughout Cyprus, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia, Czechia and Spain. These projects eventually should help the transitioning of Europe to a sustainable…
Read MoreLIFE launches 2017 call for action grants
The LIFE programme has launched its 2017 call for proposals, underlining its commitment to supporting projects that protect the environment and tackle the impact of climate change. The total budget for project action grants in this year’s call is over €373 million. Of this, over €290 million is foreseen for the sub-programme for Environment and…
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