Call for contributions – Mapping initiatives preserving wild pollinating insects

The European Commission has launched a new effort that furthers the goals of the EU Pollinators Initiative. Through this effort, the EC aims to map all initiatives throughout Europe that focus on preserving wild pollinating insects. This effort was introduced along with a letter by the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries – Virginijus Sinkevičius.…

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Pollinators in Europe

Pollinators present an important and diverse group of animals accross our planet. While many people immediately think of insects – which do represent the largest group of pollinators, animals such as birds, lemurs, bats and other small mammals can also be pollinators. They are basically any animal that moves pollen grains within a plant, or…

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30 NGOs call for urgent action for insects

Led by fellow EHF member Buglife, in support of the European Parliament resolution of 18 December 2019 on the EU Pollinators Initiative, 30 NGOs have published a letter calling on the European Commission for urgent and improved action to halt the decline of insects. In the letter, the 30 NGOs, among which Eurosite, stress the…

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EU Pollinators Initiative – an update from Brussels

On 13 November Eurosite attended the “Workshop on conservation measures that benefit pollinators applied under the Nature Directives in Natura 2000 sites” organised by IUCN and hosted by the European Commission DG Environment. On this occasion it was announced that the EC is finalising action plans for two habitat types: 4030 European dry heaths and…

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